Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Moving to be Moving

The other day I decided that instead of hacking away at my book, it would be better for me to move the bookshelf from one wall to the other. I live in such a teeny tiny cabin that means if one thing moves - everything moves!

Now my bookcase is my entertainment center, my linen closet shelf my bookcase, I have room for both guitars to be out and ready to rock PLUS I have a new table and chairs area in the living room.

Not only did I benefit from the exercise, but I reorganized my head. Miraculously the projects that I have been procrastinating have taken giant steps forward and there was a value added bonus:

I created a basket full of books and magazines that I bought, but hadn't read. Now when I want to read something new - I go browsing in my own living room!


Anne R. Allen said...

I love the idea of a basket for the "to be read." pile. I think I'll try that!

Unknown said...

It's funny how we put off organizing when we surely know how cathartic it can be. I am always more productive after cleaning my desk. The junk we let sit around distracts us from our priorities. I think it is a chi-flow situation. Clear the chi flow and work takes care of itself.

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