Monday, July 4, 2011

Unfinished Projects

My mentor told me that having a bunch of unfinished projects is like a bad remodel.

That is, you tear up your kitchen but only paint one wall, in the bathroom - you tile half the floor and the bedroom isn't quite finished. In other words, your house is torn apart and you don't have a comfortable place to live.

While you may be comfortable living with discomfort and procrastination, your creative energy - which includes your financial energy - is not happy in these circumstances.

Completing projects in some fashion - even if it means taking that sewing project and pattern to the Goodwill once and for all - keeps your energy clear for new creative ideas.

Sorting through the paperwork and filing gives you the clarity to move to the next indicated step in your life.

It takes focus and a willingness to do one tiny step at time: but completing that project can be done.

My next step is to release this Blog and my Aunt Dot Organizing idea which I had in Capitola - and focus on my Write Inside business.

You can keep up with me at

Blessings to you for an organized, creative and joyful life!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tsunami Mommi

On March 10 I woke to a 7am phone call from a friend telling me about the impending tsunami.

I got up immediately, determined to face the tidal wave fully caffeinated in a comfy outfit and sturdy shoes. As I looked around my cabin, wondering what to take in the event of an evacuation - either that morning - or in the frightening future, I realized I stopped breathing. And when that happens, I stop.

I sat in my chair, closed my eyes and connected to that calm place inside. I knew I was going to be safe, that I didn't need to change out of my jammies and that having accurate information so I could call two friends was the order of the day.

After three hours and copious amounts of Earl Grey, I heard this snippet of insight on one of the broadcasts:

the force of a tsunami is powerful, focused and intense energy.

Ah. Fear. I was focused on the wrong thing.

I decided to take my internal tsunami and focus it on one of my creative projects with intention, not action and VOILA!

Miraculous, energetic movement towards the next logical step.

What are you focused on today?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Car Care

Suze Orman admitted to this annoying habit:

When she sees an exceptionally messy car, she hangs around and waits for the owner to show up. Then she asks them if they have credit card debt. The answer is usually yes.

On the magical chance that if I clean my car, my debt will vanish along with my 1992 Thomas Guide (Kidding! I'd never give up my Thomas Guide) I decided to see what I've been lugging in the trunk...

Laundry products, laundry to be washed, an overnight bag in case I accidently revert to my wandering weekend ways, a groovy yellow waterproof bag with a warm jacket, big sweater and plastic bottles to fill at Questa Coop...

in the backseat...

magazines, writing journal, magnifying glass to read the Thomas Guide, hiking shoes, cosmetic bag, scarves, gloves, baseball cap...

Turns out that while I'm not willing to surrender my car STUFF, I am willing to neaten things up.

Cute containers, bins and bags and boxes car keep things cute and tidy. It makes life easier when you decide to take a spontaneous hike on a cold day and it keeps nosy Suze's (and debt) far away.

Please take the poll in the sidebar and leave a comment about what you carry in your car....

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cards and Letters and Photos, Oh My!

If you are a sentimental dinosaur like me, you probably like to save special letters and photos of loved ones. For years I've had a plastic bag of cards and letters stashed in a storage box.

This year I'm determined to sort the pile. I already keep Christmas cards in a special bag with holiday photos so I can display with my Christmas decorations. Following the simple steps below can help you take your special memories and make them accessible.

Step 1: Decide how much time you have.

I am willing to spend an afternoon sorting the cards and letters. Since I am reading the cards in order to decide what to keep, I find myself weepingly sentimental. This means that I need to take breaks. Since I can easily put the cards back in storage if I feel overwhelmed, time and Kleenex are my two best friends.

Step 2: Decide why you want to keep the cards/letters.

I like keeping cards and letters because they are fun to read. This means that I want access to them easily. A cardboard hatbox from Ross will suit my needs. I can create dividers between the cards and letters. I may even keep a photo of the letter writer with the letter itself.


For the past year, I've been sorting my photos. These are actual pictures from negatives, not digital.
I removed the pictures from the photo albums and instead will organize them into photo boxes.
Categories are Friends, Family, Special Events, and Me, My Self and I. (My brother Steev said you can't have too many photos of yourself.)

From here I can create DVD's of photos to give as gifts. I'm looking forward to sending my nieces and nephews photos of their fathers when they were kids!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Organize while Decorating!

Since I went to the Lighted Boat Parade in Morro Bay, I was able to rally for Christmas decorating. I had intended on being a decorating Scrooge since I spent the past two months reorganizing. Though I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas, I do not always love, love, love rearranging my entire apartment.

As I pulled out the box of decorations from my storage loft, I decided to take the time to reorganize. Usually, I do this after Christmas. Boxing Day in Canada, December 26, is set aside to honor this time of out with the old, in with the new. But I needed to lift my spirit so I could celebrate the season with creation, not obligation.

Here are a few tips that I used to keep the task light and fun.

1. I organized in my p.j’s.
2. I had a yummy cup of tea for mini-breaks and listened to a
Christmas cassette mix that I created in 1999.
3. I only selected boxes that I could sort and repack in a couple of hours.
I left a box filled with old letters and cards for later…like next lifetime. Maybe.
(This is supposed to be fun, not traumatic.)
4. Clear plastic bags, baggies and twist-ties are an organizer’s best friend.
5. Set aside a bag for items you are going to donate.
I keep a basket on a table in my closet for small give-aways like books.
This makes it easy to keep the stuff energy moving as I do weekly errands.

This year I only decorated two specific areas in my cabin. This saved space and guarantees that everything Christmas will be put back in the decoration box. My favorite “new” decoration is a festive bag filled with last year's Xmas cards, photos of my Christmas past, and a box of brand new cards that I will mail....maybe.

Taking time to move my energy gives me the external and internal space to move through the season.

May your holiday be filled with light, love and plenty of cheer!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Xmas in the Corner

Though I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas, I do not always love love love rearranging my entire apartment. Since I've spent the past two months reorganizing and decorating so I am not willing to rearrange yet again.

This year I isolated Christmas to the art corner of my apartment. This saves space and guarantees that I won't have any leftover items at the end of the season that I forgot to pack.

I hung my stocking, added a festive bag filled with last year's Xmas cards, photos of my Christmas pasts, and the box of brand new cards that I will mail....maybe. Finally, I added the cocunut nativity scene that my grandmother really loved and the string metal stockings I bought last year.

(I want the outlets available for my new MAC laptop, so I didn't even bother with my tree.)

Now I can enjoy the holiday without feeling like a total Scroog-ette.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Moving to be Moving

The other day I decided that instead of hacking away at my book, it would be better for me to move the bookshelf from one wall to the other. I live in such a teeny tiny cabin that means if one thing moves - everything moves!

Now my bookcase is my entertainment center, my linen closet shelf my bookcase, I have room for both guitars to be out and ready to rock PLUS I have a new table and chairs area in the living room.

Not only did I benefit from the exercise, but I reorganized my head. Miraculously the projects that I have been procrastinating have taken giant steps forward and there was a value added bonus:

I created a basket full of books and magazines that I bought, but hadn't read. Now when I want to read something new - I go browsing in my own living room!