Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Filing Creates Energy

I recently completed an editing project that my client had on her To Do list for some time. After the project was sent to the printer, she sent an email - telling me that 'it really liberated me to move on.' This is the same concept I learned from Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth. It is also a key to why your file piles may be higher than you'd like. Here's what I mean.

When organizing my weekly work - I noticed my energy was lagging. I keep a clipboard of projects that I want to complete, but they often get buried under New & Improved ideas. Being a Gemini, I know my propensity for starting rather than finishing. For many of us, the creative planning stages of an idea are more fun than the completing idea. The reasons for this are many. We many need help but are nervous about asking or we may be afraid of rejection.

But incomplete projects zap our energy. Incomplete projects are like broken promises to Creative Self - and we all know what it feels like to be disappointed.

Our Creative Self gets disappointed too. One of the projects on my board is to submit a query to Sunset Magazine. I have two great ideas - but I feel scared. I don't want my ideas to be rejected. Although I am a published writer moving on to the bigger magazines creates the possiblity of rejection. No wonder I bury my old idea under shiny new ones!

What broken promises do you have lurking in your file pile?

Did you drop the ball on following up with a collegue to start that new support group?

Did you gather info on a trip to Bali and then decide you can't afford it?

Did you Invoice a client that was less than you are worth?

All of these examples are opportunities for us to clean up our past promises. Journaling the answers to these questions creates the energetic space to move forward.

So, put on some music and grab a handful of papers from your file pile. Spend about 1/2 hour sorting, tossing and filing. If you do this - I promise you that you will feel new energy and maybe the inspiration to go after that dream.

May your file piles lead you to the the next step towards your vision!


PS: If you like what you READ please forward to your friends. Your support for my writing is appreciated!

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