Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Filing Creates Energy

I recently completed an editing project that my client had on her To Do list for some time. After the project was sent to the printer, she sent an email - telling me that 'it really liberated me to move on.' This is the same concept I learned from Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth. It is also a key to why your file piles may be higher than you'd like. Here's what I mean.

When organizing my weekly work - I noticed my energy was lagging. I keep a clipboard of projects that I want to complete, but they often get buried under New & Improved ideas. Being a Gemini, I know my propensity for starting rather than finishing. For many of us, the creative planning stages of an idea are more fun than the completing idea. The reasons for this are many. We many need help but are nervous about asking or we may be afraid of rejection.

But incomplete projects zap our energy. Incomplete projects are like broken promises to Creative Self - and we all know what it feels like to be disappointed.

Our Creative Self gets disappointed too. One of the projects on my board is to submit a query to Sunset Magazine. I have two great ideas - but I feel scared. I don't want my ideas to be rejected. Although I am a published writer moving on to the bigger magazines creates the possiblity of rejection. No wonder I bury my old idea under shiny new ones!

What broken promises do you have lurking in your file pile?

Did you drop the ball on following up with a collegue to start that new support group?

Did you gather info on a trip to Bali and then decide you can't afford it?

Did you Invoice a client that was less than you are worth?

All of these examples are opportunities for us to clean up our past promises. Journaling the answers to these questions creates the energetic space to move forward.

So, put on some music and grab a handful of papers from your file pile. Spend about 1/2 hour sorting, tossing and filing. If you do this - I promise you that you will feel new energy and maybe the inspiration to go after that dream.

May your file piles lead you to the the next step towards your vision!


PS: If you like what you READ please forward to your friends. Your support for my writing is appreciated!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The File Pile

The poll in the left margin of this site indicates that many of us are on the same chaotic page when it comes to filing. The key to maintaining the incoming paper pile is regular management. Whether it’s daily or weekly - we need to create a flow that works with our energetic flow.

Another way to think of your filing system is to use it as a metaphor. Picture an upside down pyramid - kind of shaky. The Chaotic File Pile method is balanced on such a pyramid. File Fitness takes consistent energy to create and maintain a system that works with you and your energy, not against your energy. Below are a few examples of working against your energy:

In 2001, while high on the thought of organizing, you bought the fancy file label system that is still in the same packaging at the bottom of your file pile.

You hired a pricey organizer who filed so well that you can’t find anything.

You hate filing and everything it stands for.

The above cases have one thing in common: they are based on a story about filing. If you want to see your way clear to rearrange your file system, you simply have to tell a different story. Think about it, if you hate filing, then why would you do it? Do you go out for drinks with people you hate? NO!

One good energetic step to changing your story is to say: I’ll sure be glad when I have this organized.

Try it.

Stand or sit up straight. Shoulders back, chest out, and take a couple of breaths. First state aloud the usual story about your filing problem using your Monkey-Minded, Inner-Critic voice – with feeling. It may sound something like: Organized! You don’t have time to stay organized, who are you kidding? (Or are too lazy to, too creative to, too tired to…) You can journal this exercise as well.

Feel what happened to your body. Did your breath stop? Shoulders tighten or slump?

Now say: I’m looking forward to having this organized.

Feel the difference? The 2nd sentence will need to be repeated. And don’t worry if the Monkey-Minded voice pipes in, just turn down the volume on the old story and turn the volume up on the new story.

This is called affirmations the Abraham-Hicks way. Basically, unless you find a way to inspire yourself to hang out with your file pile, it isn’t going to get done. So, practice your new story. Write the sentence on a card and put it in your work space. The key is to keep your statement short, sweet and energetically true.

For instance, it’s a short feel better step from hating filing to believe “looking forward to” filing. It's impossible to jump from hating filing to believe “I really love filing, it’s easy and fun!”

Once you're standing on the “looking forward to” rung of the energetic ladder, then it’s a short feel better step to believe “With some help, I can create a filing system that works for me.”

Finally, regarding that ubiquitous File Pile: when you accept that the filing is never going to be finished; that there will always be one paper waiting to be placed in it’s file folder home – then you understand first principle of file fitness. The paper flows in and the paper flows out. Saturday follows Friday. 5pm comes after 9am. Blog 3 follows Blog 2.

May you easily find every paper you need,

Aunt Dot

PS: Click on the word ‘Comment’ below and ask me a filing question!