Thursday, November 5, 2009

Organizing by the numbers....

Organizing is process of being grounded in fun! One way to make this happen is to organize by the numbers. That is, I play a game. The game is called numerology - and while there are many complicated ways to use this system - I like the Louis Hay method. It's basic and easy. I've been using it to order my day for many years now. The book is called: Colors and Numbers and it is available through Amazon. Because I have so many creative projects happening at once - I find this a good way to get a lot of things done.

I use numerology the same way I view my horoscope. If it's good I believe it, if it's not good - I don't believe it! Below is a basic framework that I use to organize my work.

Also, my workweek starts on Sunday and I almost always take Saturday as the Sabbath. This way, I start the week working on my creative projects - and that makes me really happy!

Using my birthday - 5/23 - here is how to figure out your number for any given day. All numbers reduce to a single digit. Using today's date 11/5/2009 - the calculation is below.

Find your year number: 5 + 2+ 3 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 3 is my year number.
Find your month number by adding your year number plus today's month
(November) 3 + 11 = 14 = 1 +4 = 5.
Find the day by adding your month number to the day: 5 + 5 = 1.

So for ME, November 5 is a 1 - so I'm starting new projects.

Below is a very brief explanation of what the energy of each number symbolizes.

1. Start new projects: (I also use this to mean the start the next phase of a project.)
2. Gather what you need: this goes from the curtain rod you've had on your list for 2 weeks - to getting the sales numbers to complete your budget.
3. Party time! It's a good day to shop, be outgoing and enjoy your self in a group.
4. Errands are good to do on this day. The number stands for stability.
5. Five is the number of change! Do something different - drive to work a different way, walk in the evening instead of the morning, etc. It's an excellent day to promote yourself or your products. Have a garage sale! Give something away.
6. Stay home, gather your friends and fill your day with music!
(it's also the day to pay who you owe ...)
7. Drop the business world. Work with your plants, take long walks or drive in the country. Be alone for part of the day - if not the whole day.
8. Take care of business! Balance your checkbook, read those contracts, make appointments.
9. Finish things up! Volunteer - do something for others (no shopping unless it's a gift).

Yes, I've added the days wrong. Yes, I've done my banking on a number 7 day. The above is just a game - you can play it or not play it. The point is to have an easy framework for taking care of business...


Aunt Dot

Saturday, August 8, 2009

On The Road Again

Most of my belongings are now happily stored in their 'room with a view' in Pacific Grove and I'm traveling lighter for the month of August and most likely longer. Though it feels great to hit the highway with only the essentials - it is more imperative that I stay organized. I need to keep up the book, blogging, and songwriting as well as be ready for interviews for my next straight job.

Here's how I pack my bags to stay organized on working road trips.

I have two suitcases and use a canvas bag to tote a few days/nights worth of clothing at a time. For toiletries, I have a small nylon tote that holds daily essentials - but keep a larger plastic tote in the trunk.

Work Box:
I have a terrific collaged box created by my friend Marguerite as I was leaving my Santa Barbara place last year. In it I stocked copy paper (I'm writing a small workbook), workshop materials for Visioning or Creative Journaling, my songbook, books, several books on tapes and batteries, etc. for my electronics.

Shoe Bag:
I have a lovely yellow airline bag that my blogging pal Anne Allen gave me years ago. In this, I stow several pairs of shoes in clear plastic bags to keep them from getting scraped up - plus a couple of hats...and of course - 2 purses.

My first stopover was camp Segovia in Anaheim. In order to navigate campout in the living room I keep a bag with my essentials: writing pen, books, nightlight, journal (which is a clipboard with blank 81/2 by 11 paper), reading glasses and my all important earplugs and sleep mask. No matter how loud the fun familial din - I create my own space by grabbing my canvas Morro Bay library bag and heading for a spot on the back yard swing, front yard sitting area or even a corner in the kitchen.

Office Tote:
I create a portable office with a large canvas bag that my late brother Steev used as his sample bag in his interior design work. Inside I keep a small tote of office accessories, my box of homemade greeting cards and envelopes, address book and my file divider (looks like a purse except for files!).

Some of the most important things on my road trip are my sleeping bag, pad and two pillows. I even brought one big blanket that I use to cover the stack on the back seat - but this makes life easier if I'm doing quick overnights. It's also nice to 'wake up in my own bed' while I'm traveling.

This is how I keep sane on my trips - please leave me your favorite trip tip in the comments section.

See you on the road!

Aunt Dot

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Metaphor of Filing

Because I moved around a lot since 2003 - I have had to create a filing system that works for me. This has changed over time. When jumping from place to place I used cardboard file boxes and sorted by project. Once I landed somewhere for two years - I invested in a terrific HON 4 drawer cabinet and began the process of integrating my old file system into the other. I have just completed the integration process - but it has felt daunting. (Especially since I'm moving again!)

Daunting. Overwhelming. These words mean that we are projecting resistance. They mean that we are not in the present moment.

One way around this is to change the metaphor of filing. That is you can assign an intention around the project. Filing can even be a meditation practice. Decide to be aware of each breath as you file. You can even set an intention to breathe in everything you need and release everything you don't need. As you file and your thoughts are running amok - gently bring your awareness back to your breath and your intention.

Organizing is be very grounding. It can be a way to do something very simple - take one paper and place it here. Take the next paper and file it there. Sometimes listen to music. Sometimes don't. Take your pile to sort outside. One benefit to this process is that when our thoughts take a back seat to our breath, we often receive insights to problems we have been mentally focused on.

Filing is a way for me to still my mind. Most important, the action of filing is another way I bring my life into balance.

Be aware! If you absolutely resist or loathe filing, then hire a student to file for you and move on! You'll get your filing done and support a local student. Once the pile is set - then you can decide to keep up on the filing yourself - or not.

The point is to make sure your filing works for you not against you.

Whatever filing path you choose, take a deep breath and allow your file piles lead you to where you need you,

Aunt Dot

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Filing Creates Energy

I recently completed an editing project that my client had on her To Do list for some time. After the project was sent to the printer, she sent an email - telling me that 'it really liberated me to move on.' This is the same concept I learned from Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth. It is also a key to why your file piles may be higher than you'd like. Here's what I mean.

When organizing my weekly work - I noticed my energy was lagging. I keep a clipboard of projects that I want to complete, but they often get buried under New & Improved ideas. Being a Gemini, I know my propensity for starting rather than finishing. For many of us, the creative planning stages of an idea are more fun than the completing idea. The reasons for this are many. We many need help but are nervous about asking or we may be afraid of rejection.

But incomplete projects zap our energy. Incomplete projects are like broken promises to Creative Self - and we all know what it feels like to be disappointed.

Our Creative Self gets disappointed too. One of the projects on my board is to submit a query to Sunset Magazine. I have two great ideas - but I feel scared. I don't want my ideas to be rejected. Although I am a published writer moving on to the bigger magazines creates the possiblity of rejection. No wonder I bury my old idea under shiny new ones!

What broken promises do you have lurking in your file pile?

Did you drop the ball on following up with a collegue to start that new support group?

Did you gather info on a trip to Bali and then decide you can't afford it?

Did you Invoice a client that was less than you are worth?

All of these examples are opportunities for us to clean up our past promises. Journaling the answers to these questions creates the energetic space to move forward.

So, put on some music and grab a handful of papers from your file pile. Spend about 1/2 hour sorting, tossing and filing. If you do this - I promise you that you will feel new energy and maybe the inspiration to go after that dream.

May your file piles lead you to the the next step towards your vision!


PS: If you like what you READ please forward to your friends. Your support for my writing is appreciated!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The File Pile

The poll in the left margin of this site indicates that many of us are on the same chaotic page when it comes to filing. The key to maintaining the incoming paper pile is regular management. Whether it’s daily or weekly - we need to create a flow that works with our energetic flow.

Another way to think of your filing system is to use it as a metaphor. Picture an upside down pyramid - kind of shaky. The Chaotic File Pile method is balanced on such a pyramid. File Fitness takes consistent energy to create and maintain a system that works with you and your energy, not against your energy. Below are a few examples of working against your energy:

In 2001, while high on the thought of organizing, you bought the fancy file label system that is still in the same packaging at the bottom of your file pile.

You hired a pricey organizer who filed so well that you can’t find anything.

You hate filing and everything it stands for.

The above cases have one thing in common: they are based on a story about filing. If you want to see your way clear to rearrange your file system, you simply have to tell a different story. Think about it, if you hate filing, then why would you do it? Do you go out for drinks with people you hate? NO!

One good energetic step to changing your story is to say: I’ll sure be glad when I have this organized.

Try it.

Stand or sit up straight. Shoulders back, chest out, and take a couple of breaths. First state aloud the usual story about your filing problem using your Monkey-Minded, Inner-Critic voice – with feeling. It may sound something like: Organized! You don’t have time to stay organized, who are you kidding? (Or are too lazy to, too creative to, too tired to…) You can journal this exercise as well.

Feel what happened to your body. Did your breath stop? Shoulders tighten or slump?

Now say: I’m looking forward to having this organized.

Feel the difference? The 2nd sentence will need to be repeated. And don’t worry if the Monkey-Minded voice pipes in, just turn down the volume on the old story and turn the volume up on the new story.

This is called affirmations the Abraham-Hicks way. Basically, unless you find a way to inspire yourself to hang out with your file pile, it isn’t going to get done. So, practice your new story. Write the sentence on a card and put it in your work space. The key is to keep your statement short, sweet and energetically true.

For instance, it’s a short feel better step from hating filing to believe “looking forward to” filing. It's impossible to jump from hating filing to believe “I really love filing, it’s easy and fun!”

Once you're standing on the “looking forward to” rung of the energetic ladder, then it’s a short feel better step to believe “With some help, I can create a filing system that works for me.”

Finally, regarding that ubiquitous File Pile: when you accept that the filing is never going to be finished; that there will always be one paper waiting to be placed in it’s file folder home – then you understand first principle of file fitness. The paper flows in and the paper flows out. Saturday follows Friday. 5pm comes after 9am. Blog 3 follows Blog 2.

May you easily find every paper you need,

Aunt Dot

PS: Click on the word ‘Comment’ below and ask me a filing question!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Welcome to Aunt Dot's Blog

I have been blessed to be raised by a very organized, professional working woman who taught me that file fitness is fun!

Many times I have gone into my mothers room to hang out and talk while she sorted through files, tossed papers into the round file, and then rearranged the furniture. All this was happening while Glenn Campbell, Joan Baez and Freddy Fender were keeping us company - and yes, we did stop and dance when the music was right.

If you need help sorting out the never ending pile of paperwork - grab your markers and get ready to move. You'll learn how to work with your natural energy flow so you can get your files into shape fast.

Be sure to answer the Poll on the left panel of this Blog post. Your answers let me know what information will help you the most. After all, you're the reason I'm here!

Stay tuned!

Aunt Dot